
  • Intellectual Property Law

    What is copyrightable subject matter?
    When is it required to obtain a license to be able to use a work?
    What to do in case of a trademark infringement?
    How to protect industrial design or utility model?
    Do you need help with the license agreement?
    What is business secret?
    How to protect the company against unfair competition?

    Intellectual Property Law
  • IT Law

    How to protect software?
    Is a database also protected by copyright?
    What are the copyrighted components of the software?
    Which software development contract to enter into?
    Who owns the rights to a computer program?

    IT Law
  • Contracts

    Do you need help with drafting, signing, amending or terminating the contract?
    In which format conclude the contract?
    When and how withdraw from the contract?
    Is it always required to fulfil the contract?
    What are the remedies in case of the breach of the contract?

  • Court Proceedings

    Do you need help in drafting a statement of claim?
    How to prepare a reply to claims?
    How to enforce an execution of the judgment?  

    Court Proceedings
  • Employment Law

    What are the mandatory terms of an employment contract?
    How to terminate an employment contract?
    How long is the term for advance notice when withdrawing an employment contract?
    How to agree on business secret and non-competition obligations?
    What is regulated under work organization rules?

    Employment Law
  • Law of Obligations

    How and from whom claim damages?
    For what and to what extend is an infringer liable?
    What kind of legal remedies to use?
    Do you need help with arguing against the claim?

    Law of Obligations
  • Corporate Law

    Do you need advice on buying or selling a business?
    How to change the amount of the share capital?
    How to make financial and non-monetary contributions?
    Do you need help with making amendments to the Statutes?
    Do you want to close down the company?

    Corporate Law
  • Family Law

    Which proprietary relationship to choose?
    Is it prudent to enter into a marital property contract?
    How should one divide joint property upon the dissolution of marriage?
    How should access to a child be arranged?
    What are the rights and obligations of parents?

    Family Law
  • Law of succession

    Is it prudent to make a will?
    Who are the intestate successors?
    When should one renounce a succession?
    Should one submit a claim for an inventory of the estate?
    How should agreements on the division of an estate be concluded?

    Law of succession